Remote Infrastructure Monitoring (IoT)

Limitless Monitoring & Management Rooted in Intelligence

We partner with Radix IoT to provide the platform to manage and monitor geographically diverse critical infrastructure:

  • • Effective for one to thousands of locations
  • • Intuitive to deploy and manage
  • • Unifying BMS, SCADA, PLCs, and IoT devices
  • • Flexible across all vendors—No vendor lock means you can monitor the systems you’re already using
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Mango OS Solutions for Renewable Energy

The use of renewable energy sources continues to grow and become more complex. As a result, the ability to capture and use data from various sources, which can number in the tens of thousands (most of which are literally out in a field), becomes increasingly vital. The magnitude of this work means it can no longer be accomplished manually—it must be automated. With  Mango OS from Radix IoT, you can capture and analyze all those data sources remotely. The result? You gain real-time business insight to help mitigate risk, boost uptime, and improve cost efficiency and operational continuity.

Remote Monitoring for Telecommunications

Telecommunications infrastructure has a unique set of requirements that cross the lines of commercial property and IT, with a massive demand for uptime assurance in environments that are both remote and unstaffed.

From full-tower to ODAS to ISAS solutions, these locations contain numerous subsystems and can number in the thousands, crossing state and country borders.

Mango OS integrates with the systems already on site. As we gather data into one cohesive source, you reap the benefits of analytics, automation, predictive maintenance, and operational improvement.


With Mango OS, managers can:

Avoid problems before they occur
Make service calls more effective