Colleges and Educational

Measure and meet your environmental goals

University Classes
More and more colleges and universities have Environmental Sustainability Policies in place to enhance the positive environmental impact of current and future operations. Some also have a Carbon Management Strategy, which targets reductions in the negative impact of legacy systems and processes. 
Reaching these sustainability goals requires digitalization of their facility’s electrical and mechanical assets, metering systems, and controls. Educational institutions of all kinds benefit from implementing comprehensive power-metering systems to help improve operational efficiency and encourage further energy efficiency. 

EPMS for Colleges: A Use Case

Qubits Energy works with universities and colleges to monitor, manage, and predict energy goals. As part of that work, we also retrofit obsolote power-metering systems in all their building and their energy management software.

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Man riding in campus

Institutions are making commitments to reduce their carbon footprint—reaching sustainability targets through energy-efficient practices and investments in reduced carbon emissions.  

By digitalizing their electrical infrastructure, we can identify the smart controls and mechanical controls necessary to achieve their energy objectives. 

Our energy and power monitoring systems (EPMS) help institutions implement GRI 302 Energy and ISO 50001 standards by providing accurate metrics and reporting.

With our EPMS solutions, energy management teams can easily ensure each department is billed correctly for energy use:

  • • Power management software automates the labor-intensive billing process
  • • Savings are found by identifying areas of high energy use, improving energy efficiencies, and increasing power reliability and availability
  • • Potential problems can be spotted early and fixed before any issues occur
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