Industrial & Manufacturing

Accelerate the drive toward sustainability and profitability.

Man in the industry

Industrial and manufacturing facilities are often stuck trying to meet the end consumer’s expectations for environmental sustainability, while simultaneously meeting shareholders’ expectations for profitability.

While those two goals historically have been in conflict with each other, it doesn’t have to be that way.

As Schneider Electric partners, we deliver digital energy management and automation solutions to improve your facility’s energy efficiency—which can simultaneously create an environmentally friendly building while lowering energy costs.

Our building energy management systems help industrial facilities implement GRI 302 Energy and ISO 50001 standards by automatically providing the necessary information and reports to guarantee accurate metrics, goals, and audits.

EPMS Solutions for Industrial & Manufacturing Facilities

Your electrical reliability can be compromised by internal and external factors. But shutting down production because of energy issues can have disastrous financial consequences.

We improve power quality at production facilities by monitoring power quality incidents with advanced metering and software—keeping your facility up and running around the clock.

Between proactive monitoring and ongoing consulting with maintenance and facilities engineers, we’re able to mitigate a wide range of electrical issues, including voltage regulation, harmonic filtering, and more.

Man in the industry